Date: Tuesday 26th November 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Venue: Virtual via Zoom
Member clubs are reminded that they are entitled to be represented at the Annual General Meeting by one delegate, who is able to speak and vote on their behalf at the meeting.
Clubs have therefore been requested via email to nominate their delegate on a ‘Confirmation of Delegate’ form –– and return it to Clubs SA by Monday 22nd October.
Closer to the AGM, clubs will be requested to confirm whether their delegate will be attending the AGM, and if not will be encouraged to either nominate a person to attend in lieu of the delegate or to submit a proxy (see below).
Where a delegate is unable to attend the AGM, the Member club is able to submit a proxy to the chair of the meeting by completing and returning an ‘Appointment of Proxy’ form to the Clubs SA office by Monday 25th November.
Proxy forms will become available (from the Clubs SA website, or via post or email on request) when the business of the AGM, including motions submitted by Members, has been finalised.
Members will have the option of granting discretion to the chair to vote on their behalf, or directing their votes on one or more items of business.
Board Nominations and Elections
In accordance with the transition provisions of the Constitution and s7.1, there will be two ‘Ordinary’ Board vacancies.
Nominations are now open to fill these positions, which carry a term of three years.
Member clubs are entitled to nominate any member(s) of their club for election to the Board by completing a ‘Nomination for Clubs SA Board’ form for each nominee – available for download from the Clubs SA website or via email or post, on request.
Nominees for election are encouraged to provide a statement of up to 200 words and a ‘passport’ photo in support of their nomination, for publication by Clubs SA for the information of Members wishing to lodge a vote.
Nominations must be received by the Clubs SA office by Tuesday 29th October.
Should there be more nominations for election than there are vacancies, an electronic secret ballot of Member clubs will be conducted, for which details will be provided following close of nominations.
Notice of Motion
Should a Member club wish to place a motion on the agenda for consideration at the AGM, a ‘Notice of Motion’ form, available for download from the Clubs SA website or via email or post, on request – must be completed and returned to the Clubs SA office by Thursday 31st October.
AGM Information
The AGM Agenda, Annual Report and Statements of Account will be available to all Members on the website on Thursday 31st October or prior and can also be provided in hard copy on request to the Clubs SA office.
Nomination for Clubs SA Board form
Note that:
2023/2024 Annual Report
Please read here
Licensed Club Industry Training Foundation of South Australia Inc 2024
Licensed Clubs' Association of SA Inc Statement of Financials 2024